
Jon Bon Jovi 說 Steve Jobs 殺死了音樂產業

Jon Bon Jovi 最近接受英國媒體訪問時批評 iTune Store 扼殺年輕人手拿著唱片封套,發揮自己想像力、享受藝人照片的樂趣。不可思議啊~Bon Jovi 我太對你失望了!雖然我本來就對他的音樂興趣缺缺,雖然他搞的有些東西還是蠻酷的。不過這次他的言論實在太好笑了!照這個邏輯那萊特兄弟也真是罪惡,讓人毀了花一個禮拜搭船橫渡太平洋的雅緻!舊的東西很棒,但有些東西畢竟是會隨時間消失!更何況,Apple iTune Store 自從 2003 年4月28號運作後,已經有100億首歌被下載了!那些知名的唱片公司,可能不會同意他的發言!以下為原文:[Jon Bon Jovi tells The Sunday Times Magazine, “Kids today have missed the whole experience of putting the headphones on, turning it up to 10, holding the jacket, closing their eyes and getting lost in an album; and the beauty of taking your allowance money and making a decision based on the jacket, not knowing what the record sounded like, and looking at a couple of still pictures and imagining it.”]


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

沒有對錯... 前進時也要向後看! 否則古蹟都太佔空間,應該都要拆掉蓋大樓! ps: BonJovi就有張專輯是先透過網路發行的